Karen Gimnig
Professional Facilitator
“We are like islands in the sea,
separate on the surface
but connected in the deep.”
Classes and events are delivered through my network: Connect Collaborate Grow. By joining the network (no-cost), you will receive updates on classes and other services as they are available.
Scheduling: Email gimnig@gmail.com for more information or to schedule a complimentary exploratory meeting.
Classes / Courses
Classes are available on a variety of topics listed on the Classes page.
Classes are scheduled when group of five of more people request a class. Once scheduled, I'll open the class to my network and the broader cohousing community. A minimum of 10 students is required to run the class and a maximum of 20 students will be accepted.
Each course is made up of four, two-hour sessions for a total of eight hours of class time.
Course price: $200 per person
Groups of 5+: $150 per person
Facilitation and Workshops
These are programs designed to meet the needs of a group with a prepared program. They are useful for retreats, facilitating a difficult bit of decision making, or building community skill around communication or conflict.
- Value Engineering
- Integrating new members
- Reviewing goals
- Addressing long standing problems
- Increasing connection
The workshop or facilitation process is planned in advance in coordination with representatives of the community.
Online Workshops via Zoom
Hourly: $350/hour of workshop time
Daily: $1200 for four hours of workshop time with a one hour break
In person workshops
Client reimburses travel costs from Anacortes WA
One day: $2500
Two days: $3500
Support is available for meeting planning, team advice or general community needs. In a consulting session, Karen answers questions, offers suggestions and supports community members in hearing each other. Consulting sessions are available in variety of formats as listed below. Preparation time is generally not needed and is charged at the same rate.
Business hours (8am - 5pm Pacific): $100/hour
Evenings or Weekends: $150/hour
Ask Me Anything (AMA)
As the name suggests, this is an opportunity for clients to bring all their questions. Most often an AMA session is around a particular topic, such as consensus or delegation. I generally offer a short perspective on the topic to get the juices flowing and the remainder of the time is spent on participant questions. Ask Me Anything sessions are generally scheduled for one hour.
Meeting Planning
Expert support in meeting planning can make meetings more effective, more efficient, and most importantly more relationship-building. We'll start with your standard meeting format and selected agenda items and create a meeting plan that supports your facilitators in leading engaging and productive meetings and provide structure that supports strong communication between community members. These consulting sessions generally last 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Team Support
Teams within community sometimes get tangled up either in the work they are tasked with or in conflict within the team. In these cases an outside consultant can help the team the team get back on the right track.
General Consulting
A session with any individual or group wanting support with their participation in or leadership of community.
Conflict Support
The best way to work with conflict is to build skills in communication and self reflection. Even if conflict is already in progress, I strongly recommend that community members take Conflict, Part 1, if not the full series, before hiring direct support as listed below. The tools learned in class will make the process of working with conflict much more efficient and effective and reduce the number of hours of support needed. Many participants find that with the work in class, they are able to address their own conflicts or support each other in addressing them and no longer need outside support.
Minimum Package for Conflict Support
- 60 minute initial session to determine scope
- 90 minute individual session with each participant
- 90 minute pair or group session
Additional 90 minute sessions may be needed depending on the scope and intensity of the conflict and the skills of the participants. Some conflicts may not be resolved, though there is usually some improvement in the situation and significant benefit to work.
Consultant time is charged based on hours used in 15 minute increments. For example if a 90 minute session is scheduled and a conclusion is reached in 60 minutes, only one hour will be charged.
Business hours (8am - 5pm Pacific): $100/hour
Evenings or Weekends: $150/hour